Tag Archives: services

Recycling – How You Can Make An Impact

Have you been bombarded with advertisements and news stories about the desperate shape our planet is in and thought to yourself, “I’m only one person, I can’t even put a dent in what needs to be done to make things better?” With all of the media coverage on issues like, acid rain, loss of rain forests, endangered animals, the depleting ozone layer and even former Vice President Al Gore’s pet project, global warming, it’s an easy thing to feel over-whelmed and small on this great space. But […]

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Recycling – How To Prevent The Excess

The idea of recycling is to reuse an item rather than toss it into the trash and have it end up filling space in a landfill, right? Here’s a thought; why not have the waste in the first place? Are you with me? How can this be accomplished, you may be asking yourself, and that’s good because I have a few ideas I’d like to share. Be aware of the items you purchase and how they are packaged. Some manufacturers use layers of wrapping that will just […]

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Recycling At An Annual Festival

For the past 25 years the city of Frederick, Maryland, has hosted a street festival in the fall. This event draws 75,000 people who flock the streets to hear live music, enjoy children’s activities and purchase items made by local artisans. The event is lacking in only one area: the area of recycling. For all of its years in existence the festival has never had the means to take on the task of recycling its cans, bottles and paper. Last year a senior at the local high […]

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Recycling And Kids’ Toys

One of the biggest mistakes parents make, especially in the time when their family is young, is to over spend and buy more toys than children can possibly play with before just feeling overwhelmed. When children are in a play room, overflowing with toys, they often will retreat, feeling there are too many to choose from, and will not play with any of them. It is important to purchase toys that will last for a long time, too. Fewer well made toys will be a much greater […]

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Recycling 101: Recycling And Global Warming

As time goes on and the opposing sides in the global warming debate become more entrenched, it becomes expected of you that you will pick a side. While one side will accuse you of killing the planet, the other will accuse you of aiding and abetting a scam which is designed to empty our pockets and serve the interests of a sinister green lobby. It is hardly surprising that many people simply choose to conscientiously object. But let’s say we agree that global warming is man-made. How […]

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Recycling 101: Why It Is An Issue

The importance of recycling materials when we are finished with them has for some time now been a message that people are keen to get out there. But for those of us who have come to the debate at this late stage, one could be forgiven for thinking it was a purely political argument. Why are we talking about recycling at all? Certain materials – not least paper and plastic – cannot be made from scratch without using materials that we take out of our planet. Taking […]

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Getting The Message Out There

The environmental issues which take up a lot of media space in this day and age have become surprisingly controversial in a short space of time. Barely a day goes by without someone claiming that the entire concept of environmental friendliness and green living is simply an excuse to tax us more, make us feel guilty and keep us from enjoying ourselves. This makes it difficult to give out a message of environmental positivity, because it is all too likely that the person listening to the message […]

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You’re Never Too Young Or Too Old To Learn

One of the most successful schemes of anti-environmentalists is to portray the people who have concerns for the environment as being part of some kind of cult. The idea is that by doing this, it is possible to make everything an environmentalist says seem like some kind of apocalyptic vision. It is even more sophisticated than that, though, because we will often hear of the green movement pouring “propaganda” into the ears of unwitting children. When those kind of charges are flying around you can rest assured […]

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