Thursday, September 19, 2024

Recycling Information

Eco Green Recycling

Ideas For Family Travel

Traveling with the family can be a joyous experience and there is no reason to leave your recycling attitudes […]

More Tips About Recycling

What If You could Be Paid To Recycle?

The idea of getting paid to recycle may sound far fetched and you may think the story will end with, “…and they lived happily ever after.” But that is not the case with a company from Pennsylvania who has come up with the genius idea about how to encourage people to recycle. The company is called RecycleBank and it’s a Philadelphia-based private company that has a very high tech idea about how to interest more people in the thought of recycling. It may sound like a science […]

Recycling: Visit A Landfill

For 43 years I’ve been someone who never really finished the thought; when I throw something away it goes… I’ve given myself a great gift this year; call it a field trip, if you like, but I took myself to my town’s landfill and had my eyes opened for the first time. Maybe the concept of someone reaching their 40s and still not being contientious of recycling is one that sounds far-fetched, well, it’s the truth. I didn’t grow up imagining the Earth covered in over-flowing landfills, […]

Recycling Our Closets

How many times have you torn through your closet and come up empty, even though you may have thrumbed through 45 outfits? The basic idea in recycling is to reuse, right? So, why do we insist on keeping perfectly good outfits, hanging on a hanger in our closets, when maybe they would be worn by someone else? This basic, simple idea is one we should keep in mind when we find ourselves frustrated without “a thing to wear!” I’ve done it. I’ve had times where I can’t […]

Recycling On Loon Mountain In New Hampshire

Loon Mountain is located in New Hampshire, right in the middle of the state and as a part of the White Mountains. If you know anything about New Hampshire, you’ll know that some of the country’s best winter sports take place in the White Mountains. When you think of skiing; recycling probably isn’t your first visual, but Loon Mountain is looking to change that perception. Loon Mountain has started a new way of doing things in regards to recycling and energy conservation that should not go unnoticed […]

Recycling and Today’s Teens

Recycling has been around longer than any of today’s young teens have been alive and maybe that’s why recycling has never been a question for them as to whether or not they should recycle but has always been more of a “How else can we help when recycling,” kind of thought process. My own generation, having grown up in the 70’s has a different mind-set. In fact, I have to remind myself the reasons we recycle, when to recycle and how to keep my family and household […]

Recycling Items Like Computers & TVs

With the way technology is out-doing themselves year after year with newer, better, bigger and improved products for computer users, you can just imagine the amount of waste that is generated when consumers upgrade along with the process. One household may have one or two computers to upgrade on a yearly basis but if you add to that computers and monitors from even a small business, the numbers add up very quickly. What is the problem with throwing computers, their monitors, TVs and the like away with […]

Outdoor Play Time and Recycling

Without a doubt the best play time is spent outside in the fresh air and in an effort to remain responsible to the environment there are a few things to keep in mind when out and about. The best place to play is somewhere that you don’t need to fly to, take a train to, or drive to. Yeah, your own backyard is a good place but not everyone is fortunate enough to live near a national park. There are bike paths to find and trails to […]