Tag Archives: cans

What If You could Be Paid To Recycle?

The idea of getting paid to recycle may sound far fetched and you may think the story will end with, “…and they lived happily ever after.” But that is not the case with a company from Pennsylvania who has come up with the genius idea about how to encourage people to recycle. The company is called RecycleBank and it’s a Philadelphia-based private company that has a very high tech idea about how to interest more people in the thought of recycling. It may sound like a science […]

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Recycling: Visit A Landfill

For 43 years I’ve been someone who never really finished the thought; when I throw something away it goes… I’ve given myself a great gift this year; call it a field trip, if you like, but I took myself to my town’s landfill and had my eyes opened for the first time. Maybe the concept of someone reaching their 40s and still not being contientious of recycling is one that sounds far-fetched, well, it’s the truth. I didn’t grow up imagining the Earth covered in over-flowing landfills, […]

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Recycling To Keep Our Planet Healthy

We’ve all heard the warnings; acid rain, global warming, landfills without any room, and on and on. We don’t recycle because it’s the “in” thing to do; we recycle because we don’t have any other options if we plan to leave the planet for generations to come. When you think of recycling you should really think about the whole idea; reduce, reuse and recycle. Think about it; if you don’t need it, don’t get it. If you have to get it, get something that can be used […]

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Recycling: Putting An End To Junk Mail

In an average week how much junk mail comes to your home? For the average American family, with two adults and two children, they could probably weigh their junk mail at the end of any given week to equal the weight of a small animal. An average American home can get items from; clearing houses, credit card offers, insurance offers, lottery winnings, mortgage advertisements and promises of lowering monthly mortgage bill, college flyers from schools all over the United States, entries into contests that had never been […]

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The Ins and Outs of Phone Recycling

In the 21st century, it would seem that one is not complete without the latest cell phone. With newer and more advanced handsets constantly springing upon the market, the compulsion to keep ahead of the tech game and constantly upgrade handsets for the latest ‘it’ model is extreme – and it’s no wonder the cell phone market is one of the most profitable technology industries in the world. Throughout the last ten years, the average 30 year old adult is estimated to have had six different cell […]

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The UK’s Landfill Problem

The United Kingdom is currently being presented with a difficult situation, and one that all major nations should take as a warning for how things may go if they do not adapt recycling in to their lifestyles. While the United Kingdom has one of the biggest economies in the world, what it does lack is land – in fact, several US states have a larger land mass than the British Isles. In the UK – and in most major first world countries – the conventional means of […]

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Raising A Glass To Recycling

Of all of the materials that can be recycled, glass is one of the most rewarding in terms of efficiency and value. Here is a statistic – if you place a glass bottle in a landfill, it could take as long as a million years to decompose. However, if you place it in a recycling bin it can be made into a new glass bottle within less than a month. If that isn’t a good enough reason to recycle glass, then think on this. Glass is the […]

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Phone Recycling: The Altruistic Option

You may be aware that there are a number of specialist companies who willingly pay anything up to $200 for your old cell phone handset. The handset is then taken and recycled, using a number of different methods. Sometimes the component parts of the cell phone – such as the screen, the keyboard or the battery – are redistributed to create other working handsets, and sometimes the handsets are simply resold whole for profit. This, of course, solves two problems: it takes the handset off your hands […]

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