Category Archives: Recycling Information

Recycling: Putting An End To Junk Mail

In an average week how much junk mail comes to your home? For the average American family, with two adults and two children, they could probably weigh their junk mail at the end of any given week to equal the weight of a small animal. An average American home can get items from; clearing houses, credit card offers, insurance offers, lottery winnings, mortgage advertisements and promises of lowering monthly mortgage bill, college flyers from schools all over the United States, entries into contests that had never been […]

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Recycling At An Annual Festival

For the past 25 years the city of Frederick, Maryland, has hosted a street festival in the fall. This event draws 75,000 people who flock the streets to hear live music, enjoy children’s activities and purchase items made by local artisans. The event is lacking in only one area: the area of recycling. For all of its years in existence the festival has never had the means to take on the task of recycling its cans, bottles and paper. Last year a senior at the local high […]

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Recycling – Even Bricks Can Be ReUsed

One of the most innovative ways of recycling materials that have probably been over-looked came in the form of a contractor re-using bricks from a brick wall that needed to be torn down during the construction of an addition to a home. The contractor learned his trade from one long time mason worker who believed that if you have brick as part of your building project, it could last forever. He believed that the only structures that were worth a plugged nickel contained the strong and classy […]

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Recycling 101: Why Not The Landfill?

The chief alternative to recycling one’s household waste is to throw it in the garbage and let the municipal trash disposal professionals get rid of it. This will, usually, mean that it ends up in a landfill. But this in itself is not new information – mostly we already knew that. The question we need to address in order to decide if we want to recycle is “what happens in the landfill?”. Is it a wise choice for our trash disposal needs? The idea is that, when […]

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Recycling 101: A Political Issue?

It seems these days that no issue can be in front of the public for much longer than a couple of days without becoming politicized. When a celebrity is caught up in a scandal, is it the politicians’ fault for letting moral standards slip? When a company goes bust, could the politicians have prevented it by taxing them less, or subsidising them at a key point? It is no surprise, then, that for many people the environment and recycling have become a political issue. There are some […]

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Recycling 101: Recycling And Global Warming

As time goes on and the opposing sides in the global warming debate become more entrenched, it becomes expected of you that you will pick a side. While one side will accuse you of killing the planet, the other will accuse you of aiding and abetting a scam which is designed to empty our pockets and serve the interests of a sinister green lobby. It is hardly surprising that many people simply choose to conscientiously object. But let’s say we agree that global warming is man-made. How […]

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Recycling 101: Why It Is An Issue

The importance of recycling materials when we are finished with them has for some time now been a message that people are keen to get out there. But for those of us who have come to the debate at this late stage, one could be forgiven for thinking it was a purely political argument. Why are we talking about recycling at all? Certain materials – not least paper and plastic – cannot be made from scratch without using materials that we take out of our planet. Taking […]

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Getting The Message Out There

The environmental issues which take up a lot of media space in this day and age have become surprisingly controversial in a short space of time. Barely a day goes by without someone claiming that the entire concept of environmental friendliness and green living is simply an excuse to tax us more, make us feel guilty and keep us from enjoying ourselves. This makes it difficult to give out a message of environmental positivity, because it is all too likely that the person listening to the message […]

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You’re Never Too Young Or Too Old To Learn

One of the most successful schemes of anti-environmentalists is to portray the people who have concerns for the environment as being part of some kind of cult. The idea is that by doing this, it is possible to make everything an environmentalist says seem like some kind of apocalyptic vision. It is even more sophisticated than that, though, because we will often hear of the green movement pouring “propaganda” into the ears of unwitting children. When those kind of charges are flying around you can rest assured […]

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Can A Shopping Bag Be For Life?

Plastic shopping bags are controversial. Now, a couple of decades ago this is a sentence one wouldn’t have imagined typing or reading, but today, the issue of plastic shopping bags is one which raises a lot of hackles. One of the major issues is that when disposed of, plastic bags take centuries to decompose. Even when they do decompose, they release toxins into the soil and water where they lie, and more often they will present a choking hazard to marine life. This is all the more […]

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