Author Archives: Lance

Recycling And Kids’ Toys

One of the biggest mistakes parents make, especially in the time when their family is young, is to over spend and buy more toys than children can possibly play with before just feeling overwhelmed. When children are in a play room, overflowing with toys, they often will retreat, feeling there are too many to choose from, and will not play with any of them. It is important to purchase toys that will last for a long time, too. Fewer well made toys will be a much greater […]

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Recycling – How To Start And Maintain A Compost Pile

In today’s world, where the idea of recycling is not an option, but a necessity, having your own compost pile is a great activity and resources in keeping with the mandatory recycle laws. The bonuses of composting heavily outweigh any negative connotations compost piles have had to defend themselves against; mainly, the smell. Because food waste, when compiled properly and maintained can create rich soil that can be reused on lawns and gardens, it seems the thought of not having one is the poorer choice. We have […]

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Recycling – Even Bricks Can Be ReUsed

One of the most innovative ways of recycling materials that have probably been over-looked came in the form of a contractor re-using bricks from a brick wall that needed to be torn down during the construction of an addition to a home. The contractor learned his trade from one long time mason worker who believed that if you have brick as part of your building project, it could last forever. He believed that the only structures that were worth a plugged nickel contained the strong and classy […]

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Recycling – Are You Doing Everything You Can?

It may come as a surprise to you, but there is a really good chance that the town or city you live in offer a service you may not have heard of; an energy audit. Cities and towns all over the country have started doing this, where an auditor comes to your home and goes through your living space and helps you to see where you could make changes that will not only help you conserve energy but will help you save money! What a bonus it […]

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Recycling – A Look At New York City

New York City, in just its five boroughs, has a population of over 8 million and in an area smaller than most states; you can just imagine how much waste is created on a daily basis. Recycling in New York City is mandatory and has been since July 1989. Before that date, starting in 1986, recycling was voluntary and as it began to catch on, recycling-educating materials from pamphlets, decals to TV and newspaper advertisements flooded the area up until 1997, when all five boroughs and all […]

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The Ins and Outs of Phone Recycling

In the 21st century, it would seem that one is not complete without the latest cell phone. With newer and more advanced handsets constantly springing upon the market, the compulsion to keep ahead of the tech game and constantly upgrade handsets for the latest ‘it’ model is extreme – and it’s no wonder the cell phone market is one of the most profitable technology industries in the world. Throughout the last ten years, the average 30 year old adult is estimated to have had six different cell […]

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The UK’s Landfill Problem

The United Kingdom is currently being presented with a difficult situation, and one that all major nations should take as a warning for how things may go if they do not adapt recycling in to their lifestyles. While the United Kingdom has one of the biggest economies in the world, what it does lack is land – in fact, several US states have a larger land mass than the British Isles. In the UK – and in most major first world countries – the conventional means of […]

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Raising A Glass To Recycling

Of all of the materials that can be recycled, glass is one of the most rewarding in terms of efficiency and value. Here is a statistic – if you place a glass bottle in a landfill, it could take as long as a million years to decompose. However, if you place it in a recycling bin it can be made into a new glass bottle within less than a month. If that isn’t a good enough reason to recycle glass, then think on this. Glass is the […]

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Recycling? Yes You “Can”.

If you stop for a moment to think about the amount of soda that the average person drinks in a year, and then think how many cans that adds up to, it is quite something to picture all those cans piled up. If you then think about how many cans an entire town, city, or state will drink in a year, then the amount of cans stuck in landfills has to be something utterly remarkable. And the thing is, putting cans in the trash and letting them […]

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Science And Recycling: What Is Possible?

For so long, we were unaware of how the environment was affected by what we have come to consider as human activity. As a result, in the present day we find ourselves running somewhat to catch up, and the only way that we can get more out of ourselves in the recycling process is to look to science for help. How can the scientific sector help us to make the future cleaner and greener. What is on offer as a recycling head start? Scientists are working on […]

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